Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just some random thoughts

Seeing all the hate come from the recent legislature to legalize same sex marriage has really disappointed me. Just when you think it might get a little bit better you have guys who tear you right back down. Personally I think the term marriage should be scrapped as it is a religious term and we have separation of church and state "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" (an excerpt from the first amendment) and marriage is an establishment of the Christian church and has no place in government. I think we should call everything a civil union and keep all the same benefits. If you want a marriage in the eyes of the church you can still go to the church and have your union blessed and PRESTO you have a marriage. Conservatives keep their precious "morals" and I get the same benefits that every heterosexual tax payer has. Seems pretty fair to me.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Sarah for president!

Ya..... no. Could you imagine what would happen if she became president? Pretty sure she would un-invent electricity and the internet. All jokes aside I want to hear some thoughts on this. Her support, thankfully, appears to be dwindling as even my wonderful home state in the dirty south would vote for Obama over her. So to conclude I ask you this. Do you think she will stay a D-lister or run for president? This will be a timed exam!

Bachmann strikes again!

Okay lets be honest with each other here, Michelle Bachmann is crazy and she proved it again with her commentary on Michelle Obama advocating breast feeding. How can you argue against something that has been shown and shown again to reduce among other things childhood obesity? Personally I think its great that Mrs. Obama has the guts to help in the fight to end childhood obesity, but its not about that. Lets say that Michelle Obama had gone down a different path and said that all the research had pointed to baby formula reducing obesity in children. Well guess what Bachmann's response would have been the same exact thing. Mrs. Obama could advocate for not dying and you can bet Bachmann would have something to say on that too. The fact of the matter is Bachmann is looking to find any non-issue she can and flip flop it into some controversial paranoid rant that anyone with a brain stem can tell is complete BS. It devalues the credibility of our political system when people such as Bachmann blatantly go out and spew the first jumbled rant that can dribble out of her mouth. It shows a complete lack of respect and knowledge on what she is talking about and her constituents should be red in the face with anger and embarrassment. Its like America is turning into some over sized reality TV show. I know some tea party "patriot" is going to mutter some angry babble in a comment box but this is how it is.

Just getting started

Well hello everyone! If your reading this I would first and foremost like to thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and read a post. Lets hope this is the start of a great endeavorer for the both of us. Please comment and enjoy your stay!